This is the story of Capelo, proudly known for being “Handmade in Mexico”In Mexico lives a family who follow a craft of three generations all living and working under one roof, powering foot peddle sewing machines, meticulously working on each and every hat in the same way it has been done for decades.
The Capelo hats are made from Washington Palm Fronds, plaited together into 1-2 metre lengths.These lengths are carefully sewn in a circular motion using a foot peddle machine from crown to brim. The hats then change hands to another family for heat steaming and moulding on beautiful old wooden hat presses. They are finally returned to the hat maker for bands, labels and hand woven ropes to be attached. The hats then undergo a fumigation process before being boxed for freight to us.
We have 3 styles available in small medium and large. Please note, as these are hand made sizing may vary.
The Gringo is the most versatile of hats. Looks fantastic on both men and women. Perfect for long days on the beach as the brim is large for shade. Pull it on over beach hair at the end of the day and you are ready to go straight out for a drink. Look great with Jeans and flip flops or a dress. Even Hugh Jackman wears one!
The Katrin is a lovely small hat which, while giving shade, looks good in an urban environment. It’s small and easy to carry making it the perfect all rounder for wearing in the city or sticking in your bag for a picnic.
The Cholo Chica is traditional but with a twist. Slightly larger brim for more coverage. Get those faded jeans out…If you love The Panama this hat’s for you.
The Cholo Grande has the largest brim of all the Capelo hats, making it the best style for super hot and sunny climates. Brim 3.25″